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The controversy on e-cigarettes (right or wrong)

– Posted in: Healthy, Information

Martin Borne, co-founder <b>of electronic cigarette</b> retailer &quot;Demain J ...


Everyone has an opinion on this subject, but the truth is always there if you want to really look for it. We all know  that chemicals are not good for us!  And though it’s hard to stay away from chemicals in a lot of things it can be done.  As far as the e-cigarette goes, it’s very hard to stay away from chemicals!  Where things seem to heat up, is when somebody is a smoker or if it’s a little too close to home.  And I am not doing this blog to create controversy or an argument.  But I do feel that this deserves a straight discussion.  Whether you are for or against the e-cigarette, the straight fact is that there are chemicals in it. And not all of them are great for you.  Everyone knows this but it seems like they are afraid to say anything for fear that they will get jumped on by the  smoking crowd! I have no fight with anyone, I just think we are to talk about the trees in the matter and not blow smoke up each other’s dairyairs! That may seem a little harsh but I’m just  getting at the truth.  Sometimes I think we get confused about the truth and opinion. There is a difference.  Everyone has an opinion on the subject as I said before, if your opinion is you like to smoke or you like the e-cigarette than that is awesome for you. If your opinion is you can’t stand smoking or the e-cigarette  that is also awesome for you.  I just think either way if you were really honest with yourself,  when you get down to the nitty-gritty it’s just not good for you! And there has not been enough study yet to tell what effect it has on others around you.  Like I said before I am not judging anybody and would love to have a great conversation about this.  I have researched this a lot  and have had a lot of people send me links to different studies. I think the reality is probably somewhere in between, it usually is.  I don’t know the will know the truth for a very long time as far as what health concerns these e-cigarette’s will contribute to. And I do not believe that we should fret over every little thing that could harm us, because that’s just life.   But just try to be aware especially those with children that  they are watching. Just like when I was a child, and I watched my mother smoke and therefore I started smoking! If you don’t care about these things, then please disregard  this whole blog! But hopefully it is given you all something to think about  without any attacks on anyone or anyone’s way of thinking. Hopefully this will encourage conversation about this subject. For the record, I am an ex smoker and ex chewer.  I also have friends that still smoke and chew. I believe that is their choice and I try my best to help them quit whatever they’re doing that’s bad for their health! I am very passionate about it because of the fact of what I have been through and wish no one else to have to go through that!But ultimately it’s up to you dear reader. But know this, You do have a choice! Whether you choose to make that choice is up to you!

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