Your Nutrition Spot

It’s Scary!!

– Posted in: 100+ Club, Inspiration, Motivation

As most of you know, I was 450 pounds when my Journey started. I have had my ups and downs, but I always try to stay optimistic about it all no matter what. As a big person I have had to deal with a lot of really bad things as far as detoxing and mood swings. I’m here to also tell you that they are worth it. If you have someone who you’re trying to get healthy with then you’re truly blessed. If not then you need to keep your eye on the prize which is your health. When you start detoxing and you have really bad smell to your farts or you have boils that hurt or you get zits everywhere, You are going to wish that you never started to get healthy. But if you just hold on through all of this nightmare, you’ll come out on the other side feeling pretty damn good. And of course you’ll be much healthier and have a lot more energy!! You just have to fight through the fear and realize what your why is?? Like I have said before, Your why is really important and you need to keep your eye focused on that! If you need help then ask, If you have help then reach out to those that are your support system. Either way, keep moving forward and you’ll reach that goal. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith and every once in a while you actually land on your feet standing tall! Never give up, You are the creator of your own destiny! Never let others control that.. If you are truly serious about getting healthy, We can help. If you’re just talking a good game then please contact us when your serious! Because I’m serious about helping others get healthy and be safe about it. I want everyone to feel as good as I do everyday!!! Peace out peeps!!!


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