Your Nutrition Spot


– Posted in: THE HEALTHY TRUCKSTOP, Trucker Spot

I have been getting a lot of questions about how to eat healthy on the road. Most drivers are looking for convenience. So I wanted to put together a few things to answer the questions I’ve been getting. 

 As I’ve said before you really have to look at what you were consuming while on the road because many things say healthy on the package but when you really look at them they are not.  This is also where some commonsense comes into play, when you read a package like for instance a package of yogurt single-serving, you really have to look at the sugar in that not just the calories. Just because it  says 150 cal on the package does not mean that it is healthy for you look at the fat content and the sugar content. If it’s 150 cal at 130 of it is from fat it’s probably not good for you!  You will find a lot of protein bars out there that are very convenient but as any of you know who have been following my blogs, your body can absorb about 30 g of protein at one time these companies put on their packaging all kinds of keywords to make you buy them. When it says  50 g of protein in one bar you know that 20 g of that is going down the drain plus the fact that you aren’t looking at the fact of where the protein is coming from. So reading labels is very very important.  Here are a few suggestions that might help you out. 

Suggestion 1 How healthy food is prepared is important

Suggestion 2 Strawberries

 As I said before these are just a few suggestions that might help you on the road, choose wisely as to what you snack on and what you eat. Remember is always you can contact us if you have questions! And here’s an easy way to track your self  and connect with me for free.

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 As always keep the shiny side up out there drivers. It’s tough enough out there so be safe. 




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